By Only Influencers Administrator on Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Category: Email Buying Guide

New Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder from dotmailer

Email Innovation of the Week Winner!

"If you’ve ever used dotmailer's EasyEditor to knock up an email campaign, you’ll be right at home. And if you haven’t, then I think you’ll feel at home pretty quickly too (it’s entirely drag and drop, so the learning curve is pretty gentle). Very quickly and easily you can create columns, insert images, manage styles and manage background images."

Good morning/afternoon Influencers,

For Pitch Friday, I'd like to let you know about the fantastic drag & drop landing page builder dotmailer launched recently.

If you’ve ever used dotmailer's EasyEditor to knock up an email campaign, you’ll be right at home. And if you haven’t, then I think you’ll feel at home pretty quickly too (it’s entirely drag and drop, so the learning curve is pretty gentle). Very quickly and easily you can create columns, insert images, manage styles and manage background images.

We’ve been working with the team on this for six months, so frankly I’m more than a little biased. But, EasyEditor makes such a huge difference to creating an email, now it’s been extended to make your landing pages. It’s easy, it’s quick… it’s just nice.

In addition to all the normal tools you need and expect when creating a landing page, being a webpage instead of an email opens up a whole raft of fun and lead converting capabilities and dotmailer makes the most of it!

T-minus 3 seconds

Running a competition that ends soon? Launching a new product on a certain day? Drive urgency by including a countdown timer. Simply supply an end date (and time if you wish), and we’ll supply a timer that ticks down to zero.

The internet killed the video star

Ever created a video to get your brand message across? Of course you have. Ever messed around in HTML trying to figure out the right place to add an embed code? You’ve probably done that too. In the landing page tool, you just have to drop the video block onto your page, and add the code from YouTube or Vimeo.

Fonts galore (sans Comic Sans)

The landing page tool allows you to pick from a selection (curated by our designers) of great Google Fonts, alongside the familiar websafe choices. What’s more – should you want to use a Google Font we’ve not included – you can just add one to the HTML. The tool will see it, and add it to the font dropdown ready for you to use.

There’s personal, and then there’s advanced personal

Unique to dotmailer, the landing page tool will let you personalise on any of the data you already hold on contacts in dotmailer. Include someone’s first name, their subscription preferences… anything you hold in a contact data field.

But you can do more than that. As pitched last week to the OI crowd dotmailer also recently launched a whole new way to power your personalisation using the insight data in your account; it’s called Advanced Personalisation and makes use of Shopifys Liquid Mark-up language. You won’t just be limited to displaying your Insight data on screen, though. You’ll be able to make decisions based upon it, and loop through your collections.

The possibilities this opens up are genuinely huge. Loop through and display a contact’s previous purchases, requesting a review for each. Show different content to a contact pre- and post- an event they attended (even when your contacts are attending the event on different days). Display the soon-to-end warranties of the purchased products… we could write a whole series of blogs on this (and we will). But getting smart with your automation has never been so easy.

Time for take-off, then landing

All of this is launched and live and available in a dotmailer account now, let me know if you want to take a look as we can arrange for this to be enabled on a trial account for you!

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