By Only Influencers Administrator on Sunday, 17 May 2015
Category: Email Buying Guide

Onboarding Clients: Resources for Email Service Providers and Agencies

Why Vet new Clients? According to MAAWG: "ESPs take on significant risk every time a new customer sends email. A bad client can undermine the sending reputation for the ESP’s other clients as well as inflict abuse at recipient domains. When proper pre-send vetting is performed, ESPs can preempt damage caused by bad clients to both recipient domains and to their own sending reputation. " If you are building a client vetting program, the following is a list of some recommended resources, courtsey of OI member Andrew Bonar:

Vetting Best Common Practices: Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG)

Email Service Providers (ESPs), who send large volumes of email on behalf of their clients, are at the mercy of their worst clients' worst practices. Common problems such as e-appending, poorly run affiliate programs and past data corruption can create delivery and reputational issues not only for an ESP’s problem senders, but for all of the ESP’s other clients as well.

Abuse Desk Common Practices: Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG)

The intent of this document is to present options for abuse desk administrators for addressing common problems faced by abuse desks. This is not intended to represent an absolute set of best practices. It is our belief that what is “best” is frequently determined by the particular circumstances of the network/mailboxes served by the abuse desk.

ESPs: A Case Study–Essential Tools for Onboarding Clients by port25

Today, maturing ESPs and MACs are collaborating closely with their peers to improve and further automate the processes of “onboarding” digital marketers, filtering outbound mail for spam, detecting potentially breached data points, and others related to mitigating abuse. With new technologies being introduced to our industry daily, one important process is vetting new customers during the onboarding phase.

Title: Onboarding Clients: Resources for Email Service Providers and Agencies
About: Vetting Customers
Audience: Email Vendors
Copyright 2015, Only Influencers, LLC
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