Word to the Wise provides consulting and software services around abuse and security issues for ISPs, ESPs. We also consult with companies using email as part of their communication with customers. 

Our consulting arm works with companies to develop and implement policies around email address collection and data handling. We also act as a mediator between companies and ISP and blocklists that may be blocking mail from our clients. 

Our software product, Abacus, is a ticketing system designed specifically to meet the needs of a security and abuse desk.

Having an Email Crisis? 800 823-9674

Laura Atkins, Word to the Wise

laura@wordtothewise.com Email Delivery Blog: http://wordtothewise.com/blog

Laura Atkins: Marketers Can't Learn From Spam

Laura Atkins: Marketers Can't Learn From Spam

“Why is my mail being blocked if I still get spam?”

It’s almost an inevitable question when handling delivery issues. I understand why I get it so often. People look in their inbox and see this mail is clearly spam and it’s in the inbox. But they look at the mail they send that they know isn’t spam and it ends up in the bulk folder. It’s logical to ask why legitimate marketers have to follow all these complicated and arbitrary rules to reach the inbox when spammers reach the inbox and they don’t follow any of the rules. 

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Understanding the technical: Authentication

Understanding the technical: Authentication

How many times have you faced a technical challenge only to solve it by following someone’s tutorial? I’m sure many of us have done it. I know I have.

That’s all well and good when you’re trying to figure out how to do something personal. But how do you know if the instructions are right? I’ll tell you a secret, not all of them are correct and others are mostly correct but have some suggestions that can cause problems.

Understanding technology means not having to blindly follow technical recommendations without really understanding everything you’re doing. You can actively decide what you’re doing and make the most appropriate decisions for your marketing and your business.

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Deliverability during the Holiday Email Rush

Deliverability during the Holiday Email Rush

It’s August here and the Bay Area is going through one of its rare heat waves. Over the weekend, temps reached over 100 at our house, which normally never sees anything warmer than 80. Despite the summer heat, and the calendar, and the complaints of Christmas coming earlier every year, it really is time for us to start talking about holiday email delivery. 

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Laura Atkins

Laura Atkins

Word to the Wise

As co-founder of Word to the Wise, Laura helps companies of all sizes deliver email to the inbox. She provides custom strategies and technical recommendations that enable brands to create and manage sustainable email marketing programs. Since 2001, Word to the Wise has worked with hundreds of companies to solve technical crises, combat spam and cybercrime, and assist legitimate email senders in reaching customers and prospects.

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