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Email Design

10 Email Subject Lines That Pack an Emotional Punch, and Why

10 Email Subject Lines That Pack an Emotional Punch, and Why

One of the best ways to engage email subscribers is to connect with them emotionally, although this is often easier said than done. I have spoken and written many times about the importance of creating emotional resonance – either positive or negative – between your message and your audience. It is essential because without some sort of feeling connection to you, at least occasionally, subscribers will become bored by the purely practical (i.e. 20% savings this week!), often repetitive litany of subject lines showing up in their inboxes and easily tune out. It’s fine to engage them intellectually, but if you want your email to create a lasting impact, it needs to pack an emotional punch too.

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  34898 Hits

Kawazunga Arbargle! Or how to boost your click rate by 34%

Kawazunga Arbargle! Or how to boost your click rate by 34%

Subject lines… the easiest thing to write, the hardest thing to get right. There is just no single rule, tactic or word that works every time. Best practices sometimes fail and A/B testing can produce unexpected results.

Why is this? In simplest terms, being original keeps your subscribers on their toes and can spark in-actives into life. But if every subject line you write is surprising and original, your subscribers catch on and that lack of clarity has a negative effect.

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  4766 Hits

A Better Subject Line in 60 Seconds (10 1/2 tips)

A Better Subject Line in 60 Seconds (10 1/2 tips)

Your email subject line. It’s an invitation, a front door, a salesperson, an ambassador. It’s important, to say the least. Here are 10 ½ tips to make your subject line Don Draper not Al Bundy, caviar not tofu — in a word: better.

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  8342 Hits

Unconventional Ways to Leverage Responsive Email Design and Coding to Your Advantage

Unconventional Ways to Leverage Responsive Email Design and Coding to Your Advantage
I got some great insights on responsive design and coding for non-techies from my colleague Luca Bellavita, a design and HTML manager for Alchemy Worx, which I shared in a recent ClickZ column. But one thing that’s been taking a lot of my head space lately is how and when to leverage responsive design and coding in unconventional ways.
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  7974 Hits

Mother's Day Email Promotion Round Up

Mother's Day Email Promotion Round Up

"As email marketers, it's our job to get a slice of that Mother's Day pie. Let's take a look at how online retailers are promoting the holiday."

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  17230 Hits

Download the 2013 Email Designer's Salary Guide

Download the 2013 Email Designer's Salary Guide

Broken Down by Brand, Agency, and Freelance

Find out how your salary compares to the Industry Average.

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  2884 Hits

Top Resources for 'Best Practice' in Email Creative

Top Resources for 'Best Practice' in Email Creative

"The body of knowledge on best practices for email creative has grown exponentially in the time since I started working in online in the late 1980's at Compuserve. Today there are dozens of resources for traditional and cutting edge best practices in email creative. Here are some of my favorites:"

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  15534 Hits

The Ho-Ho and Ho-Hum of this season's Holiday Email Campaigns

The Ho-Ho and Ho-Hum of this season's Holiday Email Campaigns

As we start a new year, let's take a look at Christmas emails past. The 2013 holiday season was filled with promotional emails galore. Here are a few that caught my attention.

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  15788 Hits

When Things Go Wrong: Handling Apology Emails

When Things Go Wrong: Handling Apology Emails

As email marketers, we cringe over what can possibly go wrong with our deployments - typos, broken images, broken links. And we lose sleep at night over the even bigger bloopers - missing or expired promo codes, products that sell out before the promotion is over, website glitches and more.

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  24723 Hits

You had me at Hello: Welcome Messages with “WOW” Factor

You had me at Hello: Welcome Messages  with “WOW” Factor

If first impressions are lasting impressions, then the welcome email is key to subscriber engagement. A welcome email - or series of emails - sets the brand tone and sets expectations of things to come.

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  23928 Hits

Darcy Grabenstein: A copywriter’s take on subject lines

Darcy Grabenstein: A copywriter’s take on subject lines

"While our subscribers sign up for emails to save money on products/services, keep up with industry trends or simply to be entertained, those of us in the industry usually have ulterior motives when opting in to an email list. I subscribe to hundreds of emails - and to email subscription services like Milled, Mailboxr, Patroneer and The Swizzle - so I can keep swipe files on everything from copy to design to offers and more."

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  45120 Hits

Video in Email Part 3: Video in Email Best Practices

Video in Email Part 3: Video in Email Best Practices

"Today, I am going to switch gears to a more tactical focus by sharing where video in email is supported, specific techniques and tools you can use to maximize your in-email video coverage, and best practices you can use to create compelling subscriber experiences."

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  3621 Hits

Video in Email Part 2: Video in Email Demythified

Video in Email Part 2: Video in Email Demythified

"For over a decade, marketers were told that the only way to implement video in email campaigns was to include a link in the email pointing to a video playing on a landing page. Placing a video in the email message itself was looked upon as a fool’s errand at best, or the precursor to disastrous deliverability and subscriber experiences at worst. "

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  4181 Hits

Video in Email Part 1: The Case for Video in Email

Video in Email Part 1: The Case for Video in Email

"In today’s post, I outline how the landscape has shifted in the world of video in email, and why more marketers are embracing this tactic now than ever before. "

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  3378 Hits

iPhone viewport

iPhone viewport

Influencer Anna Yeaman shares her tips on properly setting the "Viewport" for mobile messaging on the Iphone:

The Safari browser on the iPhone uses a 980px wide viewport. This means any layout less than 980px wide, will appear zoomed out when viewed on the web.

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  39937 Hits

Do you need to go skinny for mobile?

Do you need to go skinny for mobile?

Do you need to go skinny for mobile? There's a huge variety of screen resolutions to design for. Putting aside fluid layouts, how wide should a fixed width email be? According to DeviceAtlas, the four most common mobile device widths are 240px, 128px, 176px and 480px wide (320px is 6th, 640 is 16th). However, when we look at the latest mobile email stats from Litmus and Return Path, the iPhone dominates.

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  39300 Hits