Using Persuasion to Move Customers Along on Their Journey


Persuasion: It's not just the title of a Jane Austen novel. Persuasion is at the heart of all effective advertising and marketing. I’m not talking about dodgy tactics that trick customers into opening and clicking on emails. Instead, I mean the persuasive principles and tactics that help customers to make decisions...

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  1185 Hits

What are your big rocks for 2024?  


How does anybody have time to read this article right now? We are in the throes of Q4, the busiest time of the year! But if you’re thinking, “Eh – I have a little time right now,” I’ll do my best to make this worthwhile. My last OI column of the...

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  1334 Hits

Can We Trust AI With Email Marketing? An Experiment With OpenAI's GPT-4: Insights and Implications


Artificial Intelligence: a term that's as exciting as it is intimidating. It's revolutionized numerous industries, and email marketing is no exception. But the question lingers - can AI truly be trusted? Can machine learning and complex algorithms understand the intricacies of human communication and psychology in order to effectively market a...

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  1427 Hits

How to Send More Emails Without Losing Subscribers: A Smart Guide for Email Marketers


Are you an email marketer who grapples with the perennial dilemma of being urged by business stakeholders to send more emails? You want to deliver value to your business, but you're equally concerned about losing subscribers or tarnishing your brand's reputation. If this scenario feels all too familiar, you're not alone....

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  1468 Hits

The psychology of choice. Crafting compelling emails for results.


Ever wondered what influences your audience as they open, click, or engage with your emails? This article is your key to understanding the psychology behind those choices. We'll unravel the science and craft of creating emails that not only capture attention, but also drive action and long-lasting customer connections. Note: The...

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  1383 Hits

Unsubscribe Your Way to Better Deliverability


I found the silver bullet! The one that will guarantee you inbox placement! The elusive, but oh so powerful, UNSUBSCRIBE … (pause for dramatic effect) Ok, maybe announcing it as the ‘silver bullet’ and a ‘guarantee’ was a bit much and maybe a tad bit of an overstatement, BUT hear me...

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  1311 Hits

Transforming Email Marketing: The Power of Modular Email Design


Modular email design is not just a trend — it's revolutionizing email marketing.  Beyond well-crafted email snippets, modules offer a novel approach that reshapes email production workflows, allowing marketing teams to prioritize strategic initiatives over technical complexities. Evolution of email production Email has transformed over the past 50 years, adopting various...

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  1688 Hits

11 Tips for Crafting an Effective Speaking Proposal and Session Description


As programming chair for Email Innovations World since 2020, I’ve reviewed a lot of proposals to speak. And as someone who’s been speaking at industry conferences for more than 20 years, I’ve probably written nearly as many as I’ve reviewed! So here are some tips to make your speaking proposal stand...

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  911 Hits

Nurturing Your Email Subscribers: How to Create Email Campaigns that Build Trust and Loyalty with Your Subscribers


Today we're diving into the world of email campaigns, but not just any campaigns—ones that nurture and grow your relationship with your audience. Trust me, there's a difference between email lists and loyal communities, and we're aiming for the latter. What Does 'Nurturing' Even Mean? Nurturing is like taking care of...

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  1290 Hits

Welcome Class of 2027


Many of us on the agency, consulting, and vendor sides of the email industry have been in the business for a decade or more. And if you’re like me, there are times when you think to yourself, “If I see one more article or sit through one more conference session on...

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  1180 Hits

Unveiling the Power of Customer Data: Enhancing the Customer Experience


In today's digital age, as we all know, email marketing has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their customers and drive sales.  Companies continually striving to build lasting relationships with their customers have made understanding and utilizing customer data paramount. Customer data encompasses a wealth of valuable information...

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  1210 Hits

Strategically Using AI


Is this going to be another blog post about AI? To be blunt, yes, it is. But it is a blog with a difference. There has been tremendous excitement, interest and fascination with the possibilities of using generative AI tools like chat GPT, Bard, and so on. But what does this...

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  1273 Hits

Email Marketing in The Big Marketing Picture


When I brainstorm topics for an upcoming OI article, sometimes I focus on bigger trends in the industry (AI!) or areas where I can speak with some authority (email compliance). But I also like to think about topics and conversations that have come up on our Thursday OI-members-only Live Zoom calls,...

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  1585 Hits

Accepting that You Can’t Change People… or Subscribers or Inbox Providers


You can’t change people. You can only change how you react to them. That is something we say a lot in our household. It’s a hard-won pearl of wisdom from years of working with therapists so my wife and I can be better parents to our autistic son, be better spouses...

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  2536 Hits

Confessions from a Burnt-Out Email Marketer


Feeling burnt out? You’re not alone. I’m going to let you in on a not-so-secret secret: email marketing burnout is a real thing. I’ve personally experienced it, without actively recognizing it, and learned the hard way how to keep myself physically and mentally healthy in order to maintain my drive for...

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  1860 Hits

How to Build a Customer Journey Map If Customer Needs Are Not Identified


Marketers build Customer Journey Maps (CJMs) to see how customers behave from the moment they first need the product till they finally buy it. But what if your product can solve the problems your potential clients haven’t thought of yet? Why customer needs are essential for building a CJM I think...

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  1680 Hits

How do you compare with your fellow email marketers on using AI?


Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been a regular feature here on Only Influencers, from conversations on the email lists and in our regular Thursday members-only calls to blog posts like this one. People like Chad S. White of Oracle Marketing Consulting, Dr. Matthew Dunn of Campaign Genius, and countless others have...

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  1960 Hits

The perils of averages for email marketers


Introduction As email marketers we think of ourselves as a data driven decision makers. We have stats coming at us from all angles such as open and click rates, transactional data like average order values and customer data such as time since last shopped. Yet the phrase “lies, damned lies, and...

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  1271 Hits

You can do THAT in an email???

We’ve noted an increase interest in Gifs recently, presumable because they are now supported by virtually all email clients and even (gasp!) Outlook. Animated GIFS are known to increase reader attention and help to improve the email experience as well as support key messaging. These short meme-like animations can quickly catch...

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  2232 Hits

More than Hitting Send: Your Email Career


Email has always been more than just "hitting send." With the constant evolution of digital communication, career opportunities in the world of email have expanded exponentially. If you're considering stepping into this realm or are just curious about what it entails, here's a comprehensive look at the roles, settings, and keys...

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  1245 Hits